Tabbing to player menu items not working

Jan 27, 2016

The player menu - where the resources, slide menu, etc. are - doesn't seem to be consistently enabled. Most of the time it couldn't be tabbed to after the first screen of any of my modules, but in my QA's case she was able to tab to the player menu in some of the other scenes in a module, and in another case I was able to tab to the menu from any of the slides in the final screen until I selected Back. Then the player menu seemed to be disabled again. This is not because I selected the 'skip player navigation' option, because I could still tab through the Back, Next, volume, seekbar and replay buttons before going back into the slide. Help?

13 Replies
Karen Chan

I just tested it locally, on the web, and from our LMS. So far I've been getting the same results from this module - I can tab to the menu as normal on the first slide until I proceed to the next screen. Then I can't tab to the menu again until I've used the mouse to click on a menu item, regardless of what slide I'm on.

Christie Pollick

Hi, Karen -- Many thanks for your patience as I tested your file, and if you'll click here, you will see that I experienced the same behavior you described when I uploaded your published file to the SCORM Cloud. 

I would like our Engineers to take a closer look at this behavior and weigh in with their input. I will create a ticket for you momentarily and you will receive an email confirmation, followed shortly thereafter by a response from one of our Support staff members. 

Christie Pollick

Hi, Karen -- I just wanted to touch base with you on your case in with our Engineer, Robert, for investigation. It looks like on 1/29/16, his last response was in reference to some troubleshooting options, and reads as follows:

"Other than the tab order preference in a slide, there is no other place we know that would impact the tab sequence in a slide. There is a possibility that the issue is isolated to the project you sent. For such behavior, we usually end up recreating the slide or project. We need reproducible steps in order to move forward with the investigation to know if it is really a bug in Storyline. 

In my previous response I sent a test project file, I have tested that it works and the tab key goes through each of the menu options. It would really help if you can recreate the things you did to design your project and see if you will be able to replicate the issue. At least you do not need to publish your project in every tests as previewing immediately shows if there is any issue or not. 

Let me know if you have any question and how your test goes."

If you have any additional details or info you'd like to provide to Robert, please feel free to reply in your case via email, and I will be sure to follow along! :)

Shawn Absolam

Sorry to rehash, but we are experiencing, a similar issue.

In our course we have the Menu in the top left corner, and some screens have the next or previous buttons disabled, including the first screen.

When we test for keyboard accessibility we found that we can't tab to the menu or any other player tab.

But if we remove the trigger to disable the previous button on the first screen, when published we are able to tab all items on that screen but once we go to the second screen that disables the next button, we can no longer tab to the player tabs even when navigating back to the first screen. Help....

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

I wanted to provide an update here, as Storyline 2 Update 10 was just released, and included a number of fixes which you can see in the release notes available here. The item you all may be particularly interested in is how it fixed issue where you couldn't tab through player elements when the menu and prev/next buttons were disabled. You can download the latest update here, and after downloading and installing the latest update you’ll want to republish any existing content to ensure that the updates and fixes are applied.

Let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

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