Template needed

Oct 16, 2013


can anyone help me in creating the game on code of conduct of nurses 

wants to crate it very lively like with a moving character and no much text ,, and manything want to put infrastrcyre  of hospital and all is that possible 

10 Replies
Dennis Hall

ganga y said:


Thank you , my rough storyboard goes like this 

have attached file by name copy of frame work , can u please help me creaing those set up 

Thanks and regards

Ganga m y 

Wadhwani foundation(NGO)

creating a jobs for million 

Sorry Ganga, this forum is here to assist you, not do the work for you.

If you try to do the work, we will be very happy to assist.

If you need someone to do the work for you, hire a freelancer.

Dennis Hall

Hi Ganga:

I'm sure you meant http://www.mydoctorgames.com.

These games are Flash games and can be played in Storyline as content only. The games will not be able to be measured / scored because they will be treated as if they were just a video, or image, or anything that is not a question.

As well, these games will not be converted into HTML5 or anything for iPad when you publish.

If you use these games, you should only publish for Flash (meaning - do not bother selecting HTML5, or iPad publishing options).

Finally, you should request the rights to use this content in your course from the website owner.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

Gangavva Yallakkanavar


Thank you so much , i know i bothering u a lot from 3 four days sorry for that 

there are several question

1. how can i insert them into my slide (as a swf file or just as webobject )

2. i  want to display all the text (rules of game) in  a single slide is with scroll but so they user can read all the text by scorlling is that possible in storyline ?

Dennis Hall

Hi Ganga:

To answer your questions:

1. You will need to insert each game as a WebObject. I recommend pointing directly to the swf file as follows:


2. To display the "How to Play?" link, you can achieve this by creating a Hyperlink in the same slide. That link can open a layer that displays the Help page in another WebObject. Note none of these help links seem to actually work. They all point to a TAG in the web page that is hosting the swf file in every case I have tried. I think you will have to create your own help for each game by replacing the WebObject on the How to play layer with a scrollpane then tying your own Help text in it.

One final note, all the games are written in AS2.

I have attached a sample story to help you understand what you can do.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

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