Text Entry boxes Not Being Generated in Quizz (Hands-On assessment.)

Jan 19, 2018

I have re-recorded a hands-on assessment several times, but in none of the recordings are text entry boxes being created, even though there are 3 slides that require text input.

I have tried manually to create and copy and paste text entry boxes (Slides > Freeform Questions > Text Entry), but can't figure out a way to configure them, so they have only one acceptable input. Adding a variable just autofills the box with predefined text.

Is there a way to "turn on" auto-generation of text entry boxes in Test Mode?

Is there a way, post-generating a test mode scene, to create and configure text entry boxes? 

Thanks for any assistance!


4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Janet,

The screen capture relies on gathering data from the application you're recording, and some will report more data than others. It looks like you're capturing a tool on your computer vs. a web based application? You could always test that Storyline is capturing text entry correctly by seeing how it picks up what you type into a Word document or similar. 

If you need to still create your own questions, use the Fill in the blank answer type - you'll be able to identify up to 10 possible answers. That could be included as part of the scoring/tracking on a results slide too. 

Let us know if you need anything else! 

Janet Guastavino

Dear Ashley,
I have successfully created 5 other videos that auto-generated text input
boxes in hands-on assessments, using the same web-based application. Each
time, a slide has been generated with a hotspot where the student should
click, followed by another slide, where—after clicking inside the text
input box—the student should input the correct text entry, and then click

Also, I tried creating text entry in Word, but no text input box was

By the way, I can create a text input box on a subsequent blank page,
format the box to accept the entry of "NOB", copy it to the correct,
previous slide, and then run the scene inputting the text. It allows me to
input the text but reports an error message when I click Submit.
What's going on here?

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Janet,

I had a look inside your file, and I can see exactly what you described. Really strange that the text entry fields are completely missing.

To easily add a text entry on a slide that requires the learner to type something, try this:

  • Select the slide.
  • On the Insert Tab, click Convert to Freeform.
  • Select Text Entry, and click OK.
  • In Form View, type the correct answer.
  • In Slide View, resize the text entry box and place it over the area where the student should type the answer.

Let me know if that helps!

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