Text Entry Trigger

Feb 24, 2021


I am trying to make a simulation of a program in Storyline 360. I have recorded my screen and there is one slide that I want to add a spot to add a text entry to move on to the next step. I am having trouble figuring out where to put the text and how to set up this trigger - I am very new to Storyline!

I attached the word document of my project - in slides 2.3-2.4 is where I am trying to figure out where to put the text block in, Thank you for any help!

7 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hello, Shelbey!

Thank you for sharing your .story file - what a fantastic use of Storyline for training!

This Peek 360 recording covers one of many ways to achieve what you’re looking to do. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Your variable that records the text entry (Variable2) has a default value. To let learners type text, let’s remove that value and leave it blank.
  • Since you’re using a text-entry question, we’ll need to tell Storyline the acceptable answers. Simply go to Form View to enter those. (In my example, I added "Big," "Big Star," and "Big Star Honda.")
  • Another approach is to increase the number of attempts allowed to at least two. This will trigger the Try Again layer on the first incorrect response, giving learners a second chance.
  • I also added a hotspot to the search button so that it triggers the submission.

Lastly, I’ve attached the edited file in case you’d like to explore the changes. 

Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!

Advantage Parts

I really appreciate your assistance. I used your edited version thanks for your help. I am still really struggling to continue this function though in my project. Is there any chance you could make me a video that starts from entering in the screen recording in TRY mode and then how to add in a text field that will allow the user to continue to the next slide. I have attached the current file I am working with and still struggle with adding this in for slide 2.7

appreciate any direction.

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Shelbey.

I'm so glad to hear the information I gave you was helpful for your previous project!

Thank you for sharing this new .story file!  

I did a little investigating, and here's what I found out: your triggers and overall setup are perfect. The only problem is the text entry field is currently hidden on the top left, outside of the main slide view.

Windows 10 (1) 2021-03-02 at 3.07.20 PM

You can drag it back to the slide, and it should work as expected. 

I recorded a short Peek 360 video showing you how to do that in your project. 

Let me know if this works!

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Shelbey.

You are very welcome! 

If you look in your triggers on slide 2.7, you will notice you have the following one: 

  • Submit Text Entry Interaction 1 when user clicks submit

The current behavior is the slide will check the text entry once the user clicks the checkmark on the bottom right (submit button):

Windows 10 (1) 2021-03-02 at 3.35.23 PM

My suggestion would be to change that trigger to either Submit Text Entry Interaction 1 when TextEntry loses focus or when user clicks outside TextEntry.

Let me know if that makes sense!