Text Shrinks when Variable Used

Jun 30, 2017


In Storyline, when the text box has a variable to display and the text box is smaller than the actual text it's supposed to show in real time, the text is resized to fit the box. This results in a disaster :)

Basically, the text box ignores the Do not autofit setting if the text box is smaller AND the content is a variable. Any workaround or fix on this? Storyline 360. The beauty of Storyline is using variables, so we don't have to create hundreds of slides, so this is pretty important. Anyone had success tackling this?



26 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Zsolt,

Within Storyline (any version) the variables referenced and the text entry are not dynamic and won't update the overall text box size based on what you typed. It's designed to shrink the text to fit within the text box so you'll want to adjust the text box to display the largest amount of text possible. 

I'd love for you to share more ideas and examples of how this is impacting your work. Can you send that along to our Product team as a Feature requests here?

CT  Learning

I am also having this issue. I have attached screen shots of what you see in storyline vs what happens when published or previewed.  I tried isolating just the dynamic bit, and now it only shrinks that part.  I tried dragging the text box off way to the right of the slide so there was "ample room"  and it still shrunk everything.  I would guess its putting it to the minimum font size.  

How is this affecting my workflow?  I can not output an acceptable final product.

Michael Marcos

Hello Necj, 

I'm sorry and in no means trying to make this hard by asking for more information.

Rest assured I'm genuinely trying to get present and relevant data to help get a better idea of how the bug can occur. I've sent you a private email as well so that we can collaborate and work together towards a resolution. 

Barry Stoner

Hi Michael, thank you for reaching out. I can consistently recreate the issue so I will send you a .story file as an example. 

For the timebeing I went with Mark Hunter's solution of setting the line spacing to single line spacing. Oddly, on some occassions the text is still a little be smaller. 

Also, as variable text appears to render differently, the font colour can look a bit off, in my case lighter. Which means I have some text that is a different line height, colour and size to the rest of the course. 

I also need to submit a case about inconsistent line spacing if you use a custom size, but I won't go off topic here. 

Thank you. 

Barry Stoner

Hi Michael, I hope you're well. 

I sent you an email and Storyline file on the 9th April and I have not had a response or acknowledgement of receipt of files. 

Your emails may have been blocked, but they are not in my junk folder and I cannot find a response. 

Are able to provide me with an update, please?

Also, does Articulate have plans to move to a proper customer support system, such as Zendesk, where we can see a history of our cases and the status of them? Rather than only being able to reply to emails. 

With the increase in subscription costs, I would expect a better support service. 

Thank you.