Text to speech error recognizing english

Jun 14, 2022

Hi -- I sue text to speech all the time and I use English as the language. 

For the first time is years i get a message when i insert the text from notes that says "Unable to process this request.  Make sure the selected language matches your text".

Can you help? I am completely stuck and I have to have the audio, not having it is not an option. The slide doing this is 1.13.

Thank you!!!

2 Replies
John Morgan

Hi, Christine!

I have good news! I fixed your Text-to-Speech issue! Storyline's Text-to-Speech feature doesn't recognize words like ThreadNeedle, GoSocial, or LinkedIn as english. After I copied your slide notes into Text-to-Speech, I separated those 3 brand names into individual words and it worked. I attached a new version of your project file below.

Thanks for reaching out!