The player being flipped

May 29, 2016

Hi Team,

i have created one project on storyline and it was great experience .

i have launched it on my desktop and it was fine as well as on my Iphone 6.

however , when i launched it through an android device , the player only get flipped while the contents stay fixed .

Any advice ?

4 Replies
Mohammed Abbas

hi again ,

 i have looked into my above issue and it was solved by unchecking the " use articulate player for android " ;

means that when browsing it on android via HTML5 , it is working however via articulate player , it get flipped .

what do think is the reason of such issue , is it because the contents is arabic and that the articulate player doesn't support arabic or there is another reason behind this ? please advise !


also , another question related to the attached snapshot , it is what we called mobile responsive or it should be like the interface in the attached pdf file - page 10 ? please advise !


Crystal Horn

Hello Mohammed!  I'm sorry- our community moderators were out on a national holiday yesterday!

Right-to-left text is supported within your slides, but right-to-left text player elements (like the menu) are not supported in the Articulate Mobile Player.  This article compares the output of HTML5, Flash and Articulate Mobile Player.  You'll see under Player (Other) the right-to-left text information; hover over the yellow highlight.

I can see how that might be frustrating for you or your learners.  Please feel free to submit a feature request to let our development team know that this is important for you.

Crystal Horn

Addressing your question about mobile responsive courses- our white paper that you referenced above describes some exciting developments we are working on to make sure you have the best , most consistent experience for your learners on all devices.  As of right now, the responsive player has not yet been released.  I can't offer a timeline on the release, but I do want you to know that it is important to us.

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