The presence of problems in the collision of two objects

Jul 22, 2022

Hi. I want to change the value of a variable when two objects Collision in their states. But there seems to be a problem!

intersect demand work when move objects with drog, no when overlap with change states.if two states overlap then go to another screen and back intersect good work.

3 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Mahdi.

Thank you for sharing your .story file!

Your post was initially flagged as part of our spam filtering. Our team monitors flagged posts for false positives and releases them to the community as soon as possible. Your post is now live. My apologies for the inconvenience, and you shouldn’t run into this issue again.

As for your project, would it work for your design to use motion paths instead of states to move the ovals to different positions? Take a look at the attached .story file with my suggestion.

Let me know if this works!

Edal Bagh

Hi and thanks for  your answer and solving my problem in community. Your suggestion was great.  I think that if two objects or their states overlap, this command (inter sect) should work.I have made a mensch game and when two pieces collide, the first piece must return to its original place. Here I have used states. The command "intersect" did not work and I solved the problem in another way.
