Too many Storyline 360 Master layers slows down viewing experience

May 09, 2017

Just a comment...

I was really hoping 360 would improve the 'delivery' of 'slide layers on the master layer' online. It makes sense creating layers on the 'master layer' in development but when viewed online (360 Review); the more layers, the slower the delivery for each and every slide.  I would have thought there would be a way to buffer/import the master's layers into memory when the presentation kicks off and then only the new info on each 'top-level' slide is imported on the fly. 

My original Master layer, had 40 slide layers with a 10-15 sec wait between slides online  (e.g.  a number of case studies that participants work through during a whole module; may also have an index, help, resources etc... I realise that is too many layers).

When I cut it down to 14 master slide layers there's about a 3-4 second wait. Not bad but I can't have all the resources I'd like on hand for the user.

A lot of positives about Storyline though (plus the 360 Review component, excellent)

6 Replies
Rachel Crabtree

Thank you for posting this issue.  I thought it was just my computer and I had IT increase the level of RAM.  Then I thought it must be the Articulate review site.  But then I noticed that it only happened with WBTs where I had used the content library.  Since they have offered the content library I have been importing select slides from different templates since I don't necessarily need the entire template. 

Now I am in a position where I am wondering if I should copy/paste all the assets over to a Storyline without a specific template.  The reason I mention copy/paste is bc importing the slides will reproduce the multiple master slide issue again.

Natalie Goertz

I was also using the content library and noticed (too late) that everytime I used a slide from the content library it imported the whole series of master slides for that design, including the same design multiple times. For that reason, if you want slides from multiple designs, copy and paste would be better. I went through the modules and changed all the content to one set of masters and deleted all the other sets. There is a 'use count' for each master, but I couldn't find anyway to see the slide which used a certain master apart from going through each slide. Is there a way from the slide master view to see which slide uses a certain master?

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Natalie,

Thanks for popping in to share your findings and how you cleared up your master slides as well.

We have an open feature request that we are tracking that's specific to being able to quickly identify which slide masters are in use and where they are in the project.

I've added this conversation as well so that we can update you when we can.

I also wanted to share some information about how we manage these feature requests.

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