transferring to another laptop

Jul 19, 2012

How do I transfer my Articulate Storyline file to another laptop? I have had to work on my own laptop (free trial) and have now received one from my employer. Working on their laptop will be easier as I have easier access to Internet and of course the tutorials.

4 Replies
Andrew Elder

Welcome to Heroes, Charmaine! If you have Storyline installed on your other laptop (trial or full), you'll be able to transfer files normally (thumb drive, Dropbox or the like), just grab the complete folder for the project from Documents => My Articulate Projects. If the other laptop doesn't have Storyline installed, you'll only be able to access the course as an end user would, through whatever means the course was published (web, LMS, Articulate Online, etc.) but without the ability to edit the course.

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hey, Charmaine. Just a confirmation on what Andrew said. I recently copied all my Storyline (and Presenter/Quizmaker/Engage as well as Camtasia) files to my laptop at the folder level, and all is working well.  For you DOS geeks out there (showing my age ) I actually do this at the command prompt using a batch file with the old xcopy command with a few switches to check for dates. etc.

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