Translated xliff file - URGENT

Aug 22, 2016


I recently successfully exported an xliff file which was sent to my client for translation.

I've just received the translated xliff file but when I try to import it back into Storyline I get an error saying "invalid xliff file".

The same thing happens when I try to import translated word docs. In this case I usually just open the word doc and "save it as" (and change name). This works fine.

However, I have no way of opening the xliff file to enable me to "save it as".

Does anyone know which software is best to install to enable me to open the xliff file?

I am working on local drive with SL2 update 10, Windows 10.

In urgent need of help with this one.  Thanks in advance.

16 Replies
Tex Hale

Hi Matthew

Thanks - I did consider an online xliff editor but I would prefer to have something that I can manage locally.  Also I don't want to translate the xliff as it is already translated.  I just need to be able to open it and re-save it, just as you would with a word doc.

So Christie, I am still in need of help.  Thanks.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tex!

In some cases, you may find that translating Articulate Storyline content via XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) doesn't work as expected. You may receive a successful (congratulations) message but find that your course is still in the original language. See this article for more information.

So, please be sure that none of the columns are being changed by your translation company. I am not aware of a software to utilize the xliff file alone and this is not something I would be able to help support.

Tex Hale

Hello Leslie

We've managed to get a little further with the xliff issue, however, one thing that does stand out is that Storyline inserts 
 wherever there is a carriage return or bullet points. Do you have any idea why?

This is causing formatting problems when the xliff is imported back into Storyline - I have to check every line and delete them which is very time consuming and certainly not cost effective.

I hope you can help.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tex!

The 'whys' are always the hardest questions, but I took a look at a .story file that I have, exported for translation choosing xliff format - then just opened the document in Notepad to take a look. I'm not seeing that combination anywhere. Is it happening when you export or when you import?

If you have a sample file, it may be best to work directly with our support engineers here.

Tex Hale

Hi Leslie / Matthew

I understand that it is html language but it should not be visible when I import the xliff back into Storyline (see attached screen capture)

It is not always visible when you open the xliff in Notepad, however, if you drag the xliff into an excel file (a much easier way of checking) the html code is clearly visible.  A similar code #xA; is also exported and imported to Storyline (again see attached screen capture).

The string (Arial" FontSize="16" FontIsBold=&quot) should be interpreted as Arial 16pt Bold, however, when the xliff is imported into Storyline the font is NOT BOLD.  

It would appear the xliff is not exporting correctly out of Storyline in the first place.

If an answer cannot be found it will mean my having to go through each line in Storyline deleting the html codes.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tex!

We had a similar issue previously that was corrected in Update 5 for Storyline 2. Are you utilizing the latest update, which is now Update 10?

You can read about the previous issue here.

If you need our support engineers to take a look at your file, I invite you to share here so that we can take a closer look.

Tex Hale

Hi Leslie

If you look back to my original discussion you will see I am working with Storyline 2 Update 10. You say the problem was resolved in update 5, so what has changed in update 10?  The issue has reared its ugly head again, so it does not appear to have been resolved at all.

I have shared my case with the support engineers but do not hold out much hope of a resolution any time soon.  

I can't tell you how disappointed I am in your product right now - the frustration is unbelievable.  I must have read all the threads about xliff going back many years and there is still no useful solution from the Articulate team.  Perhaps the time has come for Articulate to admit defeat as far as xliffs are concerned and remove it from the software - Update 11?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Tex,

I just wanted to follow up here as well as your case, and I've included Angelo's response below:

Thanks for allowing us ample time to review your project. I was able to replicate the issue you encountered with the translation. For this, I did submit your case to our Quality Assurance team so that they may be able to review it. Unfortunately, I was unable to come up with a workaround other than to manually correct the characters from the resulting project (after importing translation). 

We are unable to offer a time frame at the moment for when or if this issue will be resolved. However, we do recommend keeping your Storyline updated to the latest build for it may contain updates that can or will address this issue. 

I'll also include this forum discussion in the report filed with our team.

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.