Trigger audio when scrolling

May 24, 2022

Hi all, 

How can I trigger audio when a user stops scrolling?  I've tried pausing timeline, using an object to trigger the audio.  Can't seem to get it to work. 

3 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Elena, 

Triggering an event when a user stops scrolling is currently not a possibility in Storyline 360, so I've added this thread to an open request that we have open for this feature. You can view which features are currently being worked on by checking out our roadmap here

You can also check this community post which contains solutions shared by other users to address scenarios similar to yours. 

Jose Tansengco

Hi Elena, 

Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file with me here so I can take a look at how your slide is configured?  I did a quick test using a shape, a scrolling panel, and an audio file, and the audio file played on point as designed. I've attached the demo file so you can check how I set up my demo file. Let me know if you notice any difference between how I configured my file compared to yours.