Trigger Conditions in Storyline 360 confusing me help!

Sep 22, 2022


So I have recently switched from Storyline 3 to 360.

Now I am sure I could do this in Storyline 3 but it doesn't seem possible in 360!

So I have a disabled forward button on my slide and I want it to become Normal after 3 other buttons are clicked on 3 separate layers (could also be after 3 highlights are clicked).

So what I want to happen is a trigger changing state to normal on slide start, but only if button 1, 2 and 3 have been visited/clicked.

So I have created a trigger but for the conditions all I have is the option to change the state of an object, where is the option to say user clicks as that used to be available??!

I have tried to use the states, visited and selected for the close button but this doesn't change the forward buttons state.

3 Replies
Walt Hamilton

"User clicks" is an action, so it is in the "when" part of the trigger. Conditions check whether a certain object is in a certain state, or whether a certain variable has a certain value.

So what I want to happen is a trigger changing state to normal on slide start, but only if button 1, 2 and 3 have been visited/clicked.

I'm not sure this is what you want. When the slide starts, the learner won't have time to select the three options.

There is a huge difference in how you go about this, depending on what happens when the learner visits the three buttons. If they stay on the same slide, and look at different layers, it's pretty easy. If they go to different slides, it requires a different approach.

The attached sample shows both approaches, one in each appropriately named scene.

Leaving the slide requires a different method of tracking which slides have been visited. Using change in the states has proven not always to be reliable, thus the variables, which are always reliable.


Kelly Sheehan

Hi Walt,

Thanks for the reply and the information.

I have attached a sample file with certain content deleted and perhaps you can see what I am doing wrong. I have done this loads of times before so it isn't like it is a new thing for me which is why I am so frustrated.

The attached example actually does use variables as I was hoping this would solve my problem. All I want to happen is the Next Button 1 to be normal after having clicked the 3 Zoom In highlights.

But I have tried having the variable on the 3 layers trigger on timeline start and on the close button being clicked and neither works.


Walt Hamilton

Because you are sending the learner to layers, they are staying on this same slide, so this trigger doesn't get executed when they come back, because the timeline doesn't restart.

If you want to use variables, you need to change that trigger to this:

Of course, you will need to duplicate it (with appropriate changes) for each of the other variables.

If you want a somewhat easier method that doesn't require variables, see the Same Slide scene in the above sample.