Trigger Doesn't Trigger

May 29, 2018

I designed an interaction for user practice and "perfected" it, with the intention of duplicating it as the "basis" for several similar slides.   I duplicated the slide (slide 1.2) and re-worked the content in the interaction of the duplicated slide, and it works great (slide 1.3). HOWEVER, now the slide I used as the basis for duplication has a new difference (snag) that I don't understand and cannot figure out.

In the attached file, on  slide 1.2: after passing through the the Correct/Incorrect Feedback layers to the "Incorrect-ESCAPE" layer, the Show Me Other Samples button  no longer triggers the final layer (as it does on slide 1.3).

I have studied the two slides & their triggers looking for the difference and see them as identical in all ways except how they perform; I have copied the functional button from slide 1.3 back to 1.2 to no avail; I have deleted the balky trigger on 1.2 and re-created the trigger from scratch - no change; I have saved & re-opened the course hoping it was just a weird glitch. Nuttin'! 

Can anyone help me see what I'm not seeing that must've changed on the original slide interaction that's causing it to fail?

2 Replies
Walt Hamilton

On slide 1.2, the Bad Example 1 layer is set to hide objects on the Base layer, which also stops the baseline timeline. Clicking the Show Me More Examples button starts to show the layer, but the first thing is does is stop the timer. Since the Incorrect-ESCAPE layer's timeline is also paused, nothing moves. Set Bad Example 1 NOT to hide objects on the Base (like in slide 1.3) and it will run.

Except now you will have to cover up the base layer another way.

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