Trigger Wizard disappears

May 30, 2024


I have five tabs on my slide. I highlighted the first tab. Then I clicked on the icon for 'New Trigger,' and the 'Trigger Wizard' appeared. When I moved the cursor to the 'Trigger Wizard' window, it immediately disappeared, leaving just the word 'slide' visible. When I clicked on it, I got a 'dong' noise. To get back, I had to click on ESc.

I have restarted the Storyline (64). Still, the problem persists.

Could you please advise me on how to overcome this problem? 

3 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Ganesalingam,

I'm sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. We're not seeing other users report this behavior which means there's a chance that the behavior is isolated. 

Try repairing your Storyline 360 to see if this fixes the issue for you as a troubleshooting step. If the problem persists, please make a quick Peek 360 recording of the behavior so we can try and replicate it to check if this needs to be reported to our product team.