Trying to create, adjust and deploy 3 variables with conditions in Storyline 2 (only 1 variable is triggered)

Mar 15, 2017

Hi, all,

I suspect my problem has a basic solution. Any assistance will be accepted, and appreciated.

My team is new to Storyline (SL2) and we are playing with variables, and with the rest of its capabilities. I realize that I may be asking a basic question, but I have searched here and cannot find the answer. I also realize that I may not yet know enough to ask you this question and sound intelligent, or use proper SL terms.

Here is what we would like to do
We would like to use variables to customize our courses for learners. Specifically, we would like to create a customization via variable where the learner indicates their motivating factor for taking a course by selecting a button early in the course, and then we remind the learner, throughout the course, about their goal and how the course is meeting it.

I started testing this. In my small test (attached), Learner sees a slide with 3 buttons and a message asking them to indicate their goal for taking the course (for example, "I like cookies!" or "I want to learn about cheese!"). When the learner clicks a button, a slide layer is displayed with verbiage specific to the learner's selection (for example, "Fantastic! Let's learn about Feta cheese now!"). The learner clicks Continue from that slide layer, and the Continue button jumps to the appropriate slide (in the example I am uploading, that is slide 2).

Slide 2 has a title. Keying on the learner's selection/motivation from slide 1, I want the learner to see a different goal reminder/motivation-specific message, which will be displayed on a text box within a slide layer. There are 3 slide layers here. Each slide layer displays a message that is specific to one of the buttons ("cheese" or "cookies") selected by the learner on slide 1.

My problem?
Only one layer, the "cheese" layer displays on slide 2, regardless of which button the user clicked on slide 1. I *believe* this happens because I set up all variables as T/F. Then on slide 2, I set all the variables to:
Show layer <layer name> when the timeline starts IF <variable name> is Equal To True

My question?
First, if you are still with me, *thank you* for staying in so long!

My question is, How does one set up triggers on a slide to get the behavior that I would like to see? What I would like is for the timeline to start, but consider _which_ button the user clicked on slide 1 (which variable is Equal to True) before displaying a text box.

Can someone please review this uploaded material, and help me identify the gap in my knowledge, so that I can bring desired ==> expected behavior a bit closer together? :)

Do I need to use a different type of variable than a T/F? I know I am probably missing something quite basic here. All help is gratefully appreciated.

Remember: There could be some cheese in this for you!




5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

You need a variable for cheese, one for cookies, and one for fruit on slide 1. Then on slide 2, you need this trigger : Show layer <layer name> when the timeline starts IF <variable name> is Equal To True 3 times, once for each option, and each one with a different layer name and variable name.

It can be done with one variable:  When user clicks <cheese button> adjust variable Choice to "Cheese". Then on slide 2 Show layer <cheese> if Choice = "Cheese" and the other layers.

I can't be more specific, because I can't open your attachment. You need to attach your .story file.

Walt Hamilton

The variables are all set to an initial value of True.  Go here to edit them and set their default value to false.



FYI: The way i found this out was to put on the second slide a text box that contained %Cookies%.

When you preview, it will show the value of that variable. I put one on the second slide for each variable, and they all showed up as true. Great troubleshooting tool.

Heather Shelly


One thousand thank yous! I thank you for your time and your expertise. This makes perfect sense to me, now. Of course I do not want all three variables set to True, if I want the user to express a preference for one. 

Thank you, too, for the troubleshooting tip. I will pass all of this along to my time, and credit you. I appreciate the wisdom, and I hope that this resolution helps someone else in the future. Have a wonderful week/weekend!


Heather Shelly

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