Using Storyline 2 with JAWS screen reader - HELP!!!

May 15, 2015

FIRST, I cannot figure out how to get the screen reader to stop reading the specifics behind a button on my Master Slide that has an alternate text of Print. The screen reader reads "Print, button png..." or something like that.  ALSO, I do no t want the screen reader to read anything on the headers of each page. I unchecked the "Object is visibility to accessibility tools" on the header. I am frustrated beyond belief!!! LASTLY, Using the screen reader, a person tabs through different parts of the slide, but I do not want that tab function to include the header, or the background image dimensions. Can't make that change on the Master Slide. 


14 Replies
Sarah Miller


Thanks for responding. When I use a screen reader in this slide deck that I am developing, the screen reader reads the "Notes" and the "Print" icons as "Notes button png," and "Print button png." I just want the screen reader to read "notes" and "Print." I've looked on the Master Slide and the Tab Order and cannot see how to get rid of that "button png."


Sarah Miller


Well, I think the Jaws link you sent explained why I am getting the button and graphics described, thank you for that, but is there any way I can turn that off? It isn't really necessary most of the time for my project. I'm attaching a screen shot. So, for example the top banner reads not only that it is a graphic - which is not relevant to this project - but it gives what sounds like the HTML dimension, "left bracket, right bracket" etc.

Also, note the EXIT button on the bottom menu. It's next to the icons for print and notes. Print and notes are read as "Notes.png" but, Exit is not. Yet, they are all buttons. Exit just reads, "Exit."

This is SO frustrating! Jaws reads everything on these slides. I'm able to turn some things off, but not others. Do you know if there are any JAWS classes? If I sat down with someone and could go through a slide, I'm sure I'd get it.

Thank you,

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sarah,

There wasn't anything attached here - but as far as I know there isn't a way to turn off those elements within JAWS as that article mentioned. I'm not a JAWS or 508 expert, so you may want to search for information on their site or even outside the community to learn more about how JAWS operates. 

Have you disabled the "alt text" options within the master slide and made them invisible to accessibility tools? By default, JAWS will read everything that it can 'see' and so if you haven't disabled something - it'll still be accessible. 

David Ward

Hi Ashley,

I am using JAWS and it's reading the text in text boxes. This is the behavior I want. However, after reading the text, JAWS says "graphic" after reading each text box. This is misleading to the user because they are not graphics, they are ASCII text boxes with no associated graphic. It is saying "graphic" after reading the text box for the title of the slide, as well as after reading the content in a bullet list text box or any other text box I insert. I do not have the word "graphic" anywhere in the text of the text boxes, the objects are not named "graphic" in the timeline, and I have no words typed into the "Alternate text:" field for text boxes. So JAWS is not reading the word "graphic." Do you know why JAWS is saying "graphic" after reading a text box and do you know how to get it to stop saying it?


David Ward

Thanks for the response, Leslie. I don't want to remove the text boxes from the tab order because I do want the screen reader to read the text inside of them. I just don't want the screen reader to say "graphic" after reading a text box because it's misleading to the user.

In addition, the screen reader does not behave as the article you linked to says it will where it states "If an object doesn’t have alternate text, screen readers will read the name of that object as it appears in the timeline." I name the text box with the title of the slide "Title" and the text box with the bullet list "Bullet list" on the timeline an enter nothing in the "Alternate text:" field. My intent is that the screen reader would state "title" then read the text in the title text box and that it would state "bullet list" then read the list when it gets to the bullet list text box. Instead, in both cases, it does not read the name of the object; it just reads the text inside the text box then says "graphic."

I'm just wanting to get it to stop saying the word "graphic" after reading the text box. The objects are not a graphic, they are not named "graphic" on the timeline, there is no alternate text, and the text inside the text boxes does not include the word "graphic" anywhere within them. So I have no clue what is triggering JAWS to say the word "graphic."

David Ward

Here is an example story (attached). I stripped out all the slides but one without a recording to minimize the file size. The remaining slide has just three objects visible to a screen reader. If you run JAWS then access the slide, you'll hear it misbehave just as I described. Browse to Revising E-learning and Quality Assurance (QA) then skip directly to the second slide to hear the slide in the example story. I also submitted it to the support team.

martin beaver

Hi, I know this is an old thread but I'm having a similar issue to David. Regardless of what I've named a .png image that is being utilised as a button the screen reader reads the images filename rather that what it is named in alt txt or on the timeline.

PLEASE tell me how to fix this, I don't understand why this is happening when it seems to be contrary to how the functions are described. 

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