Variables op-up does not appear.

Feb 01, 2022

Hi there, hope you can help me... When I click the "manage variables" button, nothing happens, except Storyline freezes. When I press Escape everything works again, but no variables window... What's going wrong. I've tried it in several projects, same result. :-(


Grtz Bob

4 Replies

The last time I had this happen, the pop-up was opening on my second monitor.... the only problem being that I was only using a single monitor.

In the top menu, try clicking "View" and then "Redock All Windows"

See if that fixes it. If it doesn't, try plugging in a second monitor and see if it is opening there. If it is, drag it back to your primary window and close Storyline so it will remember this as your last layout.


Eric Santos

Hi Machele,

I'm sorry for the trouble with the variable window. Great idea to open a support case as well! I see that my teammate Johnrey has already taken the case; please expect an email response from him shortly.

Let's continue the conversation in your support case to keep all the information in one place, but I'm happy to assist further as needed!