What is Grid Spacing?

Apr 07, 2024

Hello Storyline developers,

Does anybody know, what the setting Spacing in the settings dialog 'Grid and Guides' does? After changing it, it's not really clear to what changes or what exactly happens.


- Verhoeckx


7 Replies
Jeroen Verhoeckx

Ah, thanks!

Then, I think it doesn't work/behave properly, because at display grid of 2px and a zoom level of 100% I would expect to see an almost straight line, but instead I see dots half a centimetre from each other.

I probably won't use the function, so I will let it go. I was just curious.


Judy Nollet

I see what you describe if I set it to 2, 3, or 4 px. At 5 px, it shows as expected: 

My guess is that they require at least 5 px of spacing because you're supposed to be able to count the dots to help with alignment. If the dots are so close together that they look like lines, that's not possible. 

Personally, since they added the X and Y coordinates to the Size and Position area of the Format ribbon, I rely on those for exact alignments. Or I add my own Guides.