What's the most efficient way to get a next button to appear?

Aug 03, 2013

Hi, I'm brand new to Storyline and feel the way I'm making a next button appear in an interactive scenario is 'long-winded'. I wonder what you think?

It's a bribery scenario that plays out to 48 different conclusions. Each conclusion has 2 buttons that reveal the outcome for the learner and the outcome for the agent bribing them. Once each outcome is revealed a next button appears to enable the learner to move on.

They way I'm making that happen seems lengthy. Is there a better way?

This is my approach:

Create variable 'reveal_next_button' with a value set to 0.

Next button is on screen with its initial state set to hidden. There's an action of change state to normal when variable 'reveal_next_button' is equal to 2.

'Outcome for you' and 'outcome for the agent' buttons are set to do 3 things:

  1. reveal layer 'Outcome_for_you' or 'Outcome_for_agent' respectively.
  2. Add 1 to variable 'reveal_next_button'
  3. Change state of the outcome button to Disable (to prevent double clicking and adding multiples to the variable)

It works, but seems to be a lot of work to repeat it across 47 more slides. I'd really appreciate any advice you can give to simplify.

Thank you,


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