3D Model Embed: model-viewer - including AR!

Jun 09, 2023

Hi all,

Even though Sketchfab is a great way to embed 3D models into your Storyline 360 courses, sometimes you might just need a simpler approach, without having to worry about subscriptions etc.

model-viewer by Google is an excellent alternative:

Please see the following example (open on a mobile device to test AR):



Photo taken on iPhone 11 (AR):

Photo taken with iPhone 11

How to embed a model-viewer into Storyline:

  1. Insert > Video > Video from Website...
  2. Add your model-viewer embed code
  3. To allow embedding, include a 'dummy' <iframe> at the end (I tend to use width and height to set aspect ratio), i.e.
    <iframe src="" width="16" height="9" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I have included the project below.

Get in touch if you need more help implementing it!

PJ Palomaki
Digital Innovation Lead
AVT Connect, Brighton, UK

6 Replies
Mark Archer

Works fine for me. I've recently delved into using model-viewer for embedding 3D models with augmented reality (AR) capabilities, and it’s truly transformative for online experiences. One studio that stands out in this space is Cyber Fox Agency. They're at the forefront of 3D design, creating stunning visualizations and custom 3D product configurators. Their 3D application development services create lifelike visuals for AR, VR, and real-world applications.