Are you ready to help Josie solve The Case of the Mixed Message in this interactive story?

Jun 19, 2022

I was inspired by Eva Daniels and Teresa Moreno using interactive storytelling to help learner’s practice new skills. 

First run with an interactive storytelling episode where Josie, a nurse leader is having a conflict with her leader Ellyn about mixed messaging. She recently took an online course on Braving Difficult Conversations. Here, she has a chance to apply what she learned, with your help. 

This story contains “lifelines” which are review clues to help Josie (and you) navigate this conversation. 

Are you up for helping Josie solving the Case of the Mixed Message? 

Design notes: 

Created my storyboard with actions to practice and decision points. I got a lot of ideas watching Shonda Rhimes Writing for TV course on MasterClass, Cathy Moore's Map It book, Anna Sabramowicz's channel, and examples others posted.


Exported Storyline characters and poses, imported into Photoshop and applied the Posterize filter, adjust as desired, then exported as an 8-bit file to save file size. 

Backgrounds: Posterized in Photoshop, same process as characters. 

Decisions and Feedback:

To help streamline the development process, if the learner selects the “less good” option, the feedback lets them know what could have been better (still teaching) and moves them forward in the story. 

Audio rendered from MURF AI. Thank you to Jodi Sansone for sharing this voiceover resource! 

Music track licensed to myself from Envato Elements, please replace if you download the file and tweak to your own. 

See in action here:

Download attached.

27 Replies
James Henry

It's great to hear that you've been inspired by Eva Daniels and Teresa Moreno's use of interactive storytelling for skill development. Your approach to designing this interactive scenario with decision points and lifelines seems well thought out.

Using Storyline for characters and backgrounds and applying the Posterize filter to optimize file size is a smart technique.

Your use of feedback for both correct and less-optimal choices is a good practice for helping learners understand the consequences of their decisions and improve their skills.

I would recommend that you thoroughly test your scenario with potential learners to gather feedback and ensure that the learning objectives are effectively met.

Interactive storytelling can be a powerful way to engage learners and facilitate skill development. Good luck with your project!

Mary Tesch

I really appreciate how you used the the branching scenarios in this module, it's a great way to engage learners and help them learn by doing. Your use of interactive storytelling to practice skills like conflict resolution and communication is really helpful for employees to navigate those difficult conversations! 

I like how you've added lifelines to give learners hints and guidance. It makes the learning experience more supportive, especially for those who are new to the topic. Great job on this course!