Correct Articulate Tool to be used !!

Jan 31, 2017


I am building a course to train users about a software.

It has got lots of information to be communicated to the trainee which cannot be easily done via screen recording. Screen recording helps me to capture content from the software. But I miss out the functionality to add additional comments required to be conveyed to the trainee.

Hence, I want to know the correct Articulate tool to be used to create such a course.

Please help !!


3 Replies
Suman Gupta

Hi Kelly,
Thanks for your reply. I have taken the the free trial of Articulate 360 & used the Storyline tool.

Today I was trying to use the Rise tool. But I couldn't proceed with the Rise tool, as it doesn't allow me to insert screen-recording; which on the other hand is possible with Storyline.

Even when Rise & Storyline are from the same mother company, but I couldn't find any way to include screen-recordings into Rise nor import screen-recordings done in Storyline.

I am creating a course for a software, which will not only include lots of screen-recording as well as lots of static text / information which needs to be conveyed to the trainees.

Please suggest a way out !!

1. If I can use any other tool, from within the Articulate offering ??
2. How can I combine features available from with Storyline & Rise ??
3. If you can help me with examples of similar software learning courses created with Articulate which calls for the use of both screen-recording as well as static text.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Suman Gupta.

Kelly Meeker

Hi there Suman, here is some more information for you about using videos in Storyline and Rise. 

Rise and Storyline 360 are separate apps within Articulate 360, so there's currently no way to combine their features. We do plan to offer support for importing Storyline projects into Rise in the future, but that's not available now. 

If you'd prefer to use Storyline, you can record screen recordings and include them in  your course right in the tool. And with Storyline it's easy to include text and other information as well. Here are some tutorials and examples that you might find helpful: 

If you prefer to use Rise, you can definitely import a screen recording as a video file, and then add other content using the other lesson types. Here's how you can import videos:

  • Use the video lesson type: Once you create a new lesson in your course, just select the video option to import a video. 
  • Use the blocks lesson type: If you'd like to create a custom lesson that includes your video, just select the blocks lesson type. Choose a "Multimedia" block to import your video. Then you can pick what other kinds of content you'd like to include in your lesson using the other types of blocks. 

I'd suggest watching this video to learn more about creating content with Rise. 

If you're in your free trial, you can also attend a Live webinar to learn more about the apps in Articulate 360 and get help with your questions live! Here's the schedule of upcoming webinars:


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