Creating a portfolio on a limited budget

Apr 27, 2017

I have been researching ways to create a portfolio and I was very prepared to go with Wordpress until I learned that the Learn Dash plug in I would need to utilize is approx. $200.  Can some suggest a way to create a portfolio using a template website that may be cheaper?

3 Replies
Christy Tucker

LearnDash is an LMS. It's great if you need to manage users and track completions, but it's not necessary for a portfolio. In fact, I think it's overkill. You need to be able to post samples of your work, but you don't want to force people to log in to see it.

I think you were on the right track with Wordpress. I use Wordpress for my company website with the Edin theme. I like Edin's grid format for portfolios better than many of the other portfolio themes because it gives me space for a little text to accompany each image. A lot of the portfolio themes are designed for photographers and web designers who just focus on the visuals.

You can see an example of Edin here. Many of my examples are just screenshots because that's all I have permission to share for those projects, but you can use all interactive samples if you have them. Instead of publishing to SCORM, just upload all the files in the published folder to your site via FTP.

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