DevLearn 2017 Speakers & Sessions (Are you presenting?)

Jun 05, 2017

Are you speaking at DevLearn 2017?  Use this thread to "advertise" your session!

Being accepted is just the 1st hurdle, the next is getting people to attend.  I would love to support my fellow community members and hope to attract a few attendees myself. 

Hope to see you all there!

16 Replies

 DevLearn 2017 Speaker Badge

My "Bring Your Own Laptop" session is titled:
JavaScript, Variables, & Triggers Oh My (but mostly JavaScript).

My session will focus on JavaScript basics within StoryLine; exploring the relationship between StoryLine, the browser window and the computer. We will explore the roles that StoryLine triggers and variables play in getting the most out of your JavaScript. Session activities will focus on using StoryLine triggers, variables and JavaScript to modify elements of the browser, perform simple calculations and comparisons, and create dynamic content in StoryLine.  I don't want to call it "JavaScript for Dummies" because I think that sounds kind of negative, but I really hope for this to be a good introduction to JavaScript for anyone who wants to start their JavaScript/StoryLine journey.


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