Embedding Articulate Storyline 2 into a WIX website

May 13, 2016


I am trying (desperately and for hours) to embed an A. storyline 2 into a WIX website.

It is stored in DropBox and I am inserting HTML: (into the WIX HTML app)

<iframe width=”560”height=”315”src=”https://www.dropbox.com/s/26dfhi617xm7qtp/story.html?dl=0“></iframe>

with no positive results yet (with many variations, pointing to different files..amplaunch.html, story.swf, story_html5.html and alterations in order, etc.) as well as the Articulate suggestion:


<iframe src="http://MyServer.com/MyCourse/story.html" width="980" height="658"></iframe>


<iframe src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3wfoyw60qgndi6/amplaunch.html?dl=0" width="980" height="658"></iframe>

Any suggestions? It is currently in a free trial (Articulate Online) for a bit longer and this weblink is fabulous, however; it will not last! It is a Project that I would like to remain on a website page "indefinitely".

Thank you so much.



3 Replies
Julia Leeson

Hi Tristan,

I am not sure.

I am copying the zipped folder link to the (published to the web) into the
HTML app (with the iframe) in WIX.
It is working (in the app) for Code: Google Form embed code and as well for
Website: the Articulate online; however, my Articulate Online (free trial)
has expired.

Thank you so much,

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