entering a name and payroll number at begining of a course

Mar 27, 2015

Hello Community,

Hope you can help me...

 Just seen a basic brief from a client and they want the storyline course to start with the entering of a name and payroll number to link to their LMS which isn't articulate ... is it possible to do this in storyline... ?


10 Replies
Tristan Hunt

Some of the modules I am currently creating capture user information that is because the company doesn't currently have an LMS. Once they have an LMS I will berepublishing them without the user capture and accessing that information from the LMS.

Perhaps they are in the same situation where the module was built prior to the LMS and they didn't update it once they transitioned to the LMS, or it was built by someone who didn't realise you could access that information from the LMS.

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Ashley Chiasson

Christine - Generating a certificate of completion isn't too difficult, just requires some patience the first time around (Yay learning new things!). Steve Flowers has an easy to follow tutorial here: https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/example-files-generating-a-certificate-from-storyline

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