Exciting news - Community market for templates to open this week!

Sep 30, 2012

I have almost completed the website for the Community Templates Market (if you come up with a better name, please tell me, because that's a mouthful) and will be opening it this week.  We will have a few Storyline templates there from my own company and will be ready for more from the Articulate community.

Do you have Storyline templates you have created that you'd like to sell?  Start making sure they are tidy, and easy to understand for new users, and be ready to submit a zip file when we open.

If you don't have any templates, think about some of the slides and activities you have created for courses.  If you took out the customised text content, would it make a good template?  Otherwise come and see what we have in the market.

I'm very excited to have been able to do this and I look forward to seeing you all there.

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