Fade out but remain on screen

Jun 30, 2017

I want my text to fade out but remain on the screen at the end of cue to allow viewers to view new text but still see the faded text.  Is this possible?

1 Reply
Chris Cole

I can think of a couple of ways but it might depend on how your screens are set up:

  • If you have a solid-colored background, one way might be to have a semi-transparent rectangle of the same color as your background positioned on top of your text box and have it fade in at the cue over the top of your text to make the text look faded.
  • Another option might be to have a replicate text box beneath the one you want to fade out, and the color of the replicate text is light gray, and have the black text on top fade out at the cue to reveal the gray text. Kinda messy having to maintain two duplicate text boxes though.

Might be other options depending on your setup.

Hope this helps.


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