3 Replies
David Johnson

To create a vertical accordion, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Determine the content: Decide what information you want to include in each accordion panel. This could be text, images, or any other multimedia elements.

  2. Set up the HTML structure: Use HTML and CSS to create the structure of your accordion. Typically, it involves nested div elements or unordered lists (ul) with list items (li) for each panel.

  3. Apply CSS styling: Use CSS to style the accordion panels and define the appearance of the active and inactive states. You can customize the colors, borders, fonts, and animations to match your design preferences.

  4. Add interactivity: Use JavaScript or jQuery to add interactivity to your accordion. This includes functionality such as expanding and collapsing panels when clicked or hovered over.

  5. Test and refine: Ensure that your accordion works smoothly across different browsers and devices. Make any necessary adjustments to improve the user experience.

As for free templates, you can find numerous resources online that offer pre-built accordion templates. Here are a few websites where you can explore and download free accordion templates:

  1. CodePen (codepen.io): CodePen is a popular platform for developers to share and explore HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets. You can search for "vertical accordion" or "accordion menu" to find different templates shared by the community.

  2. W3Schools (www.w3schools.com): W3Schools provides tutorials and code examples for various web development techniques. They have a section dedicated to accordions, where you can find ready-to-use code snippets and customize them according to your needs.

  3. GitHub (github.com): GitHub is a platform where developers collaborate and share code repositories. You can search for "vertical accordion" on GitHub to find open-source projects or templates shared by developers.

Remember to review the licenses and terms of use for any templates you find to ensure they align with your project requirements.