Gamification in e-Learning

Mar 31, 2015

I had the pleasure of attending Karl Kapp's workshop on Gamification last week at the eLearning Solutions conference (btw: both were EXCELLENT!)... I'm working on applying what I learned through the development of a storyboard for a game design. The topic relates to workplace safety and my hope is that it will make it much easier for learners to digest boring regulatory compliance-based training - typically the CYA read and understand for procedures. 

 I would like to share the game design storyboard here. Please feel free to use and know too that your comments, ideas/suggestions for improvement are welcome. 



4 Replies
Trina Rimmer

Hi Christine. Karl's sessions are always great, aren't they? 

Glad to hear that you were inspired by the conference and are willing to share your take-aways with the community. I think this is a wonderful demonstration of how you thought through the process of transforming static content. Thanks for sharing your work with us! 


With the mindset of 'building better e-learning courses' or at least practicing good programming skills, one of the things I do to make things less confusing is create a guide for myself that lists all of my user-defined variables in the activity. in this case, I'm working with the previously posted prototype for the learner safety event challenges, so I've predetermined what those variables will be.  

Attached is an example, for your reference. I hope this is helpful for someone out there, somewhere-somehow-someday. 

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