How can I make this better???

Oct 04, 2011

Hello, all  -

I was feeling brave today, so I started to play with a couple of the templates Tom has on the Downloads page.  I’m feeling pretty good about what I accomplished (I have no graphic design skills at all, so my standards for myself are fairly low!) but I know it could be a lot better.  Would love any ideas/suggestions from you all - sample is attached.

I wanted to use a file folder/papers/documents theme, so I started with the desktop template, but had to remove some of the “fun” stuff – pens, mug, keys – because I needed more real estate for content.  Then I realized I needed a way to show some screenshots, so I used Tom’s laptop image.  Then I stuck a screenshot on there just to see how it looked, and it looks funny to me but I can’t put my finger on why, let alone how to fix it…  Any ideas??



3 Replies
Sheila Bulthuis

David – The course is on the process manager are supposed to use each year to assess their teams.  It’s not performance assessments, although those results do play a part…  The key things I need them to walk away with are an understanding of why the company uses this process, how to assess each associate in order to choose the correct ratings in the system, and how to read the results that are generated – a 9-Box and a succession plan.  So I’m planning to use the folder theme for the “soft” content  with some practice scenarios where I give them info about an employee (maybe with a picture of him/her clipped to the folder) and then they decide what rating to use.  And although I’m not doing system training (the use of the system is really easy – it’s just a few drop-downs) – I do need to show them what the screens look like…  What do you think?

Kristin – Thanks, that’s good point about the laptop image.  I’ll change those to 90-degree corners and see if that helps.

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