7 Replies
Bianca Woods

Hi Sanchit. What someone might call this image is a bit subjective, but if I were describing it to someone else, I'd probably describe it as a combination of two types of images. The character is an illustration (it's very indie comics!), and the background is a photograph that's had at least one effect filter added and has had the colour saturation reduced significantly, likely to make it fit with the black and white illustration.

It's a super cool effect that works well here!

Tom Kuhlmann

To add a little more detail, the image looks like one of the free images from Open Peeps. I may be wrong. And as Bianca noted, the other is a real life image that has some sort of filter.

A lot of people will add "cartoon" filters to images. There are all sorts of ways to do that. You can search and probably find a bunch online.

If you have PowerPoint, you can also apply some image filters (artistic effects) to it to create a similar effect and then save the image.

Tracy Carroll

cartoon woman

It's a PowerPoint image. You can use the cartoon people available in the stock images. (Insert tab - Pictures - Stock Images - Cartoon People. The cartoons are mix and match parts. I chose the ones in your image.)

You can use any living room image you like from the Stock Images. I used the first one that came up. For the image formatting, I chose:

Picture Color: Saturation 33%, Color Tone: 11,200

Artistic Effects: Photocopy - Transparency 30%, Detail = 9

Attached is the PPTX file for your reference.


Tracy Carroll

living room

Sorry, my instructions weren't clear enough. For the cartoon, I used the Cartoon People tab, but for the background image I used the Images tab, as shown. I didn't even have to complete typing the phrase--as soon as I typed "living" the images showed up. The first one is the image I used.

Each tab (Icons, Cutout People, etc.) will give you different categories of images. Check them out when you have time, sometimes just looking at various images will give you creative ideas!