Learning Solutions Developer

Nov 09, 2017

Hi Everyone,

I'm fairly new to Storyline and we're using 360. Is there any way to build a highlight box and screen out the rest of the slide? I haven't found anything yet but I'm hoping someone in the community has a solution.



2 Replies
Daniel Brigham

Hi, Jackie: There's no true built in animation like there was (and probably still is) in Articulate Studio. Most people have a box or arrow fade on and off. This, in conjuction with a zoom will get the job done, and you have total control. 

Of course, if you have 360 and the Studio suite has an effect you like, you could always bring that slide into Storyline. 

Steve Gannon

Jackie, in the Shapes drop-down, take a look at the shape called "Frame." You can adjust the size of the frame (thereby adjusting the size of the empty portion in the middle) and fill the frame itself with black and make that fill, say, 50% transparent. 

You can also do something similar using the shape called "Donut" if you want a circular area.

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