Multi remote users collaborating within Storyline

Oct 17, 2013

There have been a few posts about this sort of thing in the past few months. A web-based product called something like the 'Answer Garden' was identified as something that might work, but of course as a web object.

This 'brainstorming' application sounded like a good piece of functionality to experiment with, and demonstrate whether one could connect various remote users' responses / data together.

We wanted to do it within a Storyline project itself, rather than using a web object. We have mounted a demo and we would be pleased for anyone to try it out! It's very simple - the ideas you put in will be 'flip charted' with any others' ideas who are using it. See here: .
We don't know how it will stand up when many more than the two of us access it at once...we would be grateful for feedback. Please don't put in anything overly offensive or pass it to anyone who will do that. If that happens we will have to take it down.

The idea of it is that a regular Storyline developer would be able to design and program this sort of stuff without needing any coding rocket science; the latter runs in the background. It could be used for a 'Leader board', or collection of questions and comments in support of a large learning program, or simple gaming, or whatever. We'd love to work on some projects in collaboration if opportunity permits.


4 Replies
john faulkes

Thanks for these comments.

Nancy, there is a way to make it secure. We can deploy any Storyline published material within a container so that only registered people can access it. We could also put functionality within a SL file itself that would check someone's credentials against a database list and not allow them to go further if they weren't on it.

This sort of this could work either by allowing people to create their own accounts or by someone (i.e you) specifying who has access.

Mark, yes, this is native, within SL. Although of course each user's Storyline session is sending the data to and retrieving it from a database, this is being managed within SL, not using any web objects, and the logic of how it operates can be programmed in SL itself.

Please comment further in this thread, or send me a private message, or get in touch with me at if you wish to discuss further.


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