My first Storyline course....

Feb 17, 2014

Hi there,

I have just finished my first course using storyline, its a very brief beginners introduction to meditation.

I was hoping a few people would cast there eye over it and help me pick out some of the problems or give any handy hints to improve my course and courses for the future.

Link to the course here



15 Replies
Daniel Brigham

Hi, Stuart: Nice work. As I overall comment, I think you've done a very nice job with the graphics: there's a nice spaciousness to them that fits with your content. Other thoughts:

  1. Perhaps a meditative music file at the course opening to set the mood.
  2. "What do you call these people" slide. Consider cropping these images so that they are all the same size.
  3. "Meditation for Beginners" slide: odd purple shape appears when I mouse over the text. This purple shape/fill appears in the "Further Studies" text on the "Science Bit" slide. My guess is that this is a Storyline state, and you really don't need it.
  4. "Meditating Mind": move frog pic down a few pixels so that it aligns with first line of text.
  5. Very nice layout of pics and text on "Using Guiding Meditations" -- quite balanced. I'm going to borrow this layout next time I have a chance.
  6. 'Monkey Mind' slide -- I assume you are using British punctuation.
  7. 'Monkey MInd' video: I'd suggest moving it up so that is aligns with your first line of text. Placement seems haphazard right now.
  8. I liked the before and after comparison at the end.

Thanks for sharing. That's how we all get better. --Daniel

Joshua Roberts

I echo the use of meditative music, you need to set the mood in those initial 7 seconds of user attention. I enjoyed the addition of a TED Talk too.

Personally I wasn't overly keen on the presentation of the famous meditators, I would swap the layout and presentation of this section to uniform image size. My preference would also be to make the quotes visible rather than clickable, I'm not overly keen on clicking for 'non essential' information.

Just my thoughts, but what a fantastic job so far. Well done.

Stuart Gilbert

Thanks Paul, Daniel and Joshua!I appreciate the time taken to get back to me!

Liking the music file so just popped a nice royalty free piece in on the first slide! I have also pretty much used all your suggestions so thank you very much, I should of done the famous people page as it bugged me lol.

The only one thing i cant fix is those purple box's. Where they appear there isn't even anything on the slides? I just figured it was a quirk of storyline but now I'm guessing its not?

Any other ideas on what they might be?

I have uploaded one of the pages doing it as an attachment but i just cant see what it could be.

Paul S.


Somehow a purple picture managed to get in the Text box. If you right click on the text box and select - format shape / picture - you will see the purple picture but you can't do anything with it. What I did was copy the text in the box and insert a new text box and paste the text ONLY. The purple picture went away...


Linda Lorenzetti

Hi Stuart,

Your course looks great.  I just noticed a few things: 

  • On the slide "What do all these people have in common?" You're missing the apostrophe in I'm - " Im sure you have guessed..."
  • On the same slide, you may want to have a close button on the button text so that it doesn't stay open once its been seen.  Also you might want to left justify the information contained in the buttons because I think it makes it easier to read and look less like a poem.
  • On the slides that have audio (e.g. frog slide), I would end the sound sooner, or provide a button that will turn off the sound because I couldn't read the text on those slides until the sound ended.

Just my 2 cents.


Kimberly Valliere

Jo Cottingham said:

Great course, well done.

Could you tell me how you show the answers in the 'what do you think meditation is'.  I know I can insert an essay slides for students to add free text, but I have no idea how to then get the information that is entered back or how to review it.

Any help would be appreciated.



Jo, I don't *think* it is possible at this time to get the information from free form text entries out of a course. I believe to "assess" the learner, you'd have an "expert" answer so they can compare their answer to the expert's. There's a blog post about it, but of course I cannot find it.
Jennifer St. George

Hi Joe and Kimberly,

With regard to your last question about capturing what the learner types in the text entries, I would ask Phil Mayor about doing that since I think what they enter might be actually captured by the LMS you are running and reported out there.

I'm not exactly sure (I'm not an LMS guru), but worth a try asking them about it.

Best to you,


Stuart Gilbert

Linda Lorenzetti said:

Hi Stuart,

Your course looks great.  I just noticed a few things: 

  • On the slide "What do all these people have in common?" You're missing the apostrophe in I'm - " Im sure you have guessed..."
  • On the same slide, you may want to have a close button on the button text so that it doesn't stay open once its been seen.  Also you might want to left justify the information contained in the buttons because I think it makes it easier to read and look less like a poem.
  • On the slides that have audio (e.g. frog slide), I would end the sound sooner, or provide a button that will turn off the sound because I couldn't read the text on those slides until the sound ended.

Just my 2 cents.


Thanks Linda, I will implement all of those little gems

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