3 Replies
jon gore

To play an HTML5 zip file on a Shopify page, you can follow these steps:

1- First, you need to upload the HTML5 zip file to your Shopify store. You can do this by going to your Shopify admin panel and clicking on "Files" under the "Settings" tab.

2- Once you have uploaded the HTML5 zip file, you need to get the file URL. To do this, click on the file name in the "Files" section and copy the URL from the "Link" field.

3- Next, you need to create a new page or edit an existing page in your Shopify store where you want to embed the HTML5 zip file.

4- In the page editor, click on the "Add section" button and select "Custom content".

5- In the "Custom content" section, click on the HTML button to open the HTML editor.

6- Paste the following code into the HTML editor:

<iframe src="URL_TO_YOUR_HTML5_FILE" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe>
Replace "URL_TO_YOUR_HTML5_FILE" with the URL of the HTML5 zip file that you copied in step 2.

7- Save the changes to the page and preview the page to see the HTML5 zip file embedded on the page.