Required to see all but untimed

Jul 20, 2016

Is there a way to setup the player to require the learner view all slides and any tabs on each slide yet have the slides untimed? 

8 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Todd

A restricted or locked menu could take care of the first point if you are using the built in menu - see description here in section titled 'Restricting Navigation' for the tabs, you'd need to use states or triggers so they can't advance...disable the next button when timeline starts, then enable the next button when xxx happens on a slide. 

Todd Yunker

I tried a couple of things including change state of the Next button to normal but that didn't do anything.  The client wants to make the learner go through the deck a slide at a time not jumping around, yet they are not required to spend any time on each slide.  They want the menu so I used the restricted on the navigation options.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Todd

can you set the Next button to disabled when the timeline starts and then trigger it to Normal when timeline ends and just set your timeline to a few seconds...that way at least they are seeing each slide and it won't conflict with the 'restricted menu' which is based on the timeline ending before they can click Next anyway.

Not sure if this will help

Todd Yunker

Seems like a lot of trouble if this these states are tied to the timeline.  If you shortened the timeline to take advantage of this then you don't need these change of states.  If they are all at a second or less anyway then it should unlock the next button any way shouldn't it?  What if you had 5-10 seconds of animation going and the learner wanted to skip the animation and just go on to the next slide.  What can do that?

Wendy Farmer

A restricted menu is linked to the timeline length so even if you had triggers saying change state of Next button to normal when timeline reaches 1 second and the timeline length is 2 secs, the Next button will be enabled and the user will see it enabled but will not be able to click on it and progress until the timeline end (2 secs) as per the restricted menu.

What if you had 5-10 seconds of animation going and the learner wanted to skip the animation and just go on to the next slide. What can do that? Don't use a restricted menu

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