9 Replies
Bruce Graham


I wish they had developed that character set more - I loved them.

My only comment would be that you could try some other speech bubble types/shapes, and have some thought "responses" from the character being taught.

Here is a wonderful article that explains some alternative ways to display speech bubbles, and the lettering within them. Even just employing a few of these devices can significantly elevate the "comic-book" experience.

Hope this is useful.

David Anderson

SAP using comics? No way? #Way!

What a great example, Yewande. I really like how you mixed up the camera angles in this first slide:

One thing you could think about trying is mixing up your panel sizes on some of the bigger dialog panels.  It would give a little more breathing room in some areas. Since you're working with limited illustrations, your challenge is finding ways to keep them fresh. Zooming and cropping can help show the same clip art in different ways.

Here's one super duper quick idea on how it could look:

Eimear O Neill

Yewande great work! Thanks for sharing. It makes a serious stuffy topic not so stuffy and unbearable. A sugar/candy covered pill almost

Being part of the community is like having a whole team of IDs by your side, always ready to give back in the name of improving learning retention and making it a more enjoyable experience! Lucky us!

Out of interest what software did you use for your comic making? - I have used pixton.com in the past and loved using it for building scenarios and characters! 

I would love to hear what other folks choice of tool is.


Bruce Graham

I cannot remember where those characters came from. They were a set from a corporation, (maybe Zerox?), and I found them on a website that looked like it was never finished or completed.

I used them 2-3 years ago in some demonstration coursework "The ARCS Motivational Model (...with a bit of office romance)"

Other than that I just use PowerPoint/Storyline, images and backgrounds from elearningart.com, and whatever font looks right.

I have worked on a series of courses with Phil Mayor where he also added a "dot" filter to the standard SL characters, and they looked great. In this one we use a series of Storyline "Zooms" to move in and out with the conversation/voiceover that's taking part - it works beautifully, as they are all next to each other on the timeline so it gives a zoom-and-pan effect.

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