Scoping/Pricing Elearning Projects

Mar 11, 2014

Hi All --

I am new to this forum, so please forgive me if this question has been asked before – or multiple times. I searched the forum for “scoping” and “pricing” and didn’t come up with any results, so I’m hoping it’s not TOO common.

In any case, can anyone suggest a good “rule of thumb” for scoping/pricing elearning projects? I’m just now getting back into elearning after being out of the field for a while, and, needless to say, a lot has changed over the years! With ILT, I believe we used to build in 40 hours of work for each hour of training. In elearning, I know that a lot depends on the complexity of the course, and I suspect any “formula” will begin with that consideration, but I'm guessing that most project managers have SOME guidelines they follow.

Thanks for any help you can give me! 

3 Replies
Dieter Voegeli

Just saw that some of us still struggle with scoping digital instruction modules. Here´s what I use for online and offline scoping. This is built on several proposals I have seen in this forum or what I found from other sources. It´s unfortunately in german but I can easily translate this, if s.o. is interested in it. Just let me know

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