SCORM course of 5 videos and 3 pdf resources: Rise or Storyline

Oct 05, 2019

I'm new to Articulate and want to build a SCORM course able to be uploaded to any LMS. It will have a series of 5 sequential videos (already produced) as 'lessons' plus 3 pdf reference files for download and a 10 question multiple choice quiz. Is this a job for Rise or Storyline (or both). Just trying to figure out where to begin.

4 Replies
Trina Rimmer

Hi Chris. Since it doesn't sound like you're looking to do anything highly customized or immersive, I'd recommend Rise 360 for this project. It outputs to SCORM 1.2 and 2004, you can embed or upload video, and you can add an attachments block and upload pdfs to it for your learners to download. Rise 360 also gives you the option of adding a quiz to your courses and you can track your course based on the results of that quiz. 

I hope this helps you out. Let me know if I can answer any other questions or point you to more info!

Ulises Musseb

You may not even need any authoring tool at all if your LMS is capable of hosting the video as an activity within a course, same thing with attached documents.

If the LMS cannot import videos directly, then if you need responsiveness (does the LMS has an app?) Rise will be your best bet. Otherwise, either authoring tool helps.

In my experience, these "simple" courses with "just a video" always grow into having quizzes, knowledge check questions, or interactivity of sort. I'd use the tool that helps me plan for adding things in the future.

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