Share Your Freebies Here Week 9: #53Freebies

Feb 27, 2017

Hi everyone,

A little bit late for this week, but I have still 15 min to go for this, Freebie time!!!

Last week I promised to get my template of last week ready to share, but because of some other projects that kept me busy in the last week I wasn't able to finish the course! But no worries, I'll share the working template asap....

For this weeks Freebie I came across this earlier challenge from David. In the download you will also find a standalone image of the Model.

Demo and downloads


7 Replies
Ridvan  Saglam

I designed a computer and ipad mockup templates for ELH Challenge 161 by using Affinity Designer which I wanted to try for a while. I think it is easier to use than Adobe Illustrator. Sp far, I have enjoyed working with it.

For the final touch, I used Photoshop again. In the zip file, you can find png and psd files of the PC and ipad graphics. 


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