Tracking particular slides in scenario based training - is it possible?

Nov 07, 2016

I have a scenario based training built in SL2 and I included a menu in the player. The course consists of 10 independent mini-branching scenarios. Using the menu, it's possible for a learner to jump straight to the last scenario and complete the training without having completed the first 9 scenarios. Is it possible to track that learners viewed particular slides (i.e. the 10 scenario slides) and only mark completion only when they have? This SCORM is embedded in moodle LMS.

5 Replies
Sofia Nemtom

Hi Wendy, we tried the restricted menu and it worked great, except noticed that there was a delay on the "NEXT" button functionality - even though progress to next slide was set to user action/click. So even though we clicked on the next button, it wouldn't progress until some time elapsed and only then it wold allow us to go to the next slide. I found a work around it in the below article, and it seems to work fine now.

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