
Mar 23, 2012

Hello everyone,

I am creating a short training piece of 10 slides.  The word count is roughly 800 and I want to record three different versions.  I heard rumors that voiceovers are available for as low as $15 per page, but I can't find anything lower than $800 for the project.  Any ideas?   Thanks for your help!

- Katie

14 Replies
Steve Flowers

I'll narrate my own stuff sometimes (when I know enough about it to project an authentic level of "knows what he's talking about" in a conversant tone) but prefer to get the expert to tell a story into a high quality mic or hire pro's to narrate scripted content. The quality trade-off in polish is almost always worth it, IMO

Eric Nalian

Hi Katie,

Contact the Theater Department at your local university.  I had a project a few years back and needed some voice over assistance, contact my professors in the HR Department and they just used several theater students to do their voice over work.

We paid her 10$/hour to record an hour long course - it took about 6 hours total.

Foxy Vox

Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and I'd like to introduce myself. I'm not trying to post a plug in my first post, but I noticed that Katie Weinmann was looking for voiceover artists.

I'm a professional voiceover actor and producer with a studio. My website is Cheap Voice Overs and Videos. Please check it out if you will.

I'm willing to do voiceovers for anyone in this forum at just $15 per page as a discount since that's the amount Katie suggested and because I would like to offer a discount to forum members. You may listen to demos there and here's one you can just click on to hear: http://voice123.com/mp3/demos/foxyvox%20-%20Go%20Premiere.mp3

Most of all, I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you here better. Enjoy the weekend.

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