Weekly Challenge story files

Dec 02, 2013

Hi All

Thought I would post my story files here from the weekly challenges if anyone is interested



4 Replies
heather haskett

Hi David and all,

I'm going to follow Blair's lead and post my Bingo challenge here to.  It's my first challenge, and I can't post without thanking everyone for all of the amazing tips, tricks and outstanding examples that they continue to share with us 'newbies'!


David Anderson

Hi Heather! I just replied to your post in the challenge but wanted to thank you again for joining the challenges this week. I really enjoyed your design ideas for including a self-evaluation option in your bingo game. My head is spinning with ideas after that one!

I added your entry and source file to the challenge recap: https://community.articulate.com/articles/instructionally-sound-games-for-meaningful-elearning#HeatherHaskett

Thanks so much again for sharing this week!

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