Can the Storyline lightbox close button be swapped out?

Jun 21, 2012

Can the Storyline lightbox close button be swapped out?

I would like to at least change the color from bright red to another color. 


28 Replies
Nancy Woinoski

Hi Debra, I'm afraid you can't swap out the lightbox button or change the colour.

If you really can't use the lightbox with this limitation, you could try using a layer to create your own lightbox effect. 

I have done this in some projects because I did not like the position of the lightbox when opened and the fact that you can't change the transparency of the background.

Nancy Woinoski

@Wendy and Phil - that's what I thought. Unfortunately not many people are mobile-only so these type of solutions are limited at best.  I still think the best solution would be for Articulate to make the button properties editable so that we could

a) turn it off and use a custom button

b) edit the colour, size, transparency and position

c) add a text label and or icon

d) add triggers to change the close behaviour.

Greg Taylor

The button can be modified in the HTML5 output.
I stopped mine from displaying and created my own close button via a trigger.
In the output files open the player.css file found in the mobile folder. 

search for
.window .closeicon

then find the display property: 

then give it some importantance :)
display:none !important;

If anyone discovers how to disable it in the flash version it would be really great!


Pete Dunford

I've just solved this mystery, but it involves editing the code in your .story file. This removes the cross from all lightboxes in the file and therefore from ANY published files created from it, but wait until you've finished building your resource first for efficiency.

Copy your .story file in case something goes wrong!

Rename your copied file from .story to a .zip and extract.

Navigate to story > slides and locate all the slides associated with a lightbox – both the slides that are launching lightboxes and the slides that are being lightboxed (the slide name comes near the top of the xml file so consider putting LB at the beginning of each slide name in Storyline before starting this process for ease of identification)

Look for ltBxClse= near the bottom of the .xml file of each of those slides and change the value from true to false (part of the navData class).

When you’ve altered all the necessary .xml files, select all the folders and files within the root folder and send to compressed file (don’t select the root folder itself as this will add an extra folder).

Rename the compressed file from .zip to .story

Enjoy lightboxes without the red cross and don’t forget to include a close trigger on your lightboxed slide!

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