Forum Discussion

cynthiaLyons's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

A disabled clickable image allows you to click it to show it's layer

I have a slide with 2 images on the base layer, "Deep Tissue" on the left and "Unstageable" on the right.

Clicking the image "Deep Tissue" from the base layer takes you to a layer called "Deep".  On this layer I also have the image called "Unstageable" on the right set to the initial state of disabled.

From the "Deep" layer, I want the "Unstageable" image to change to normal and be clickable to show layer "Unstageable" when timeline on "Deep" layer ends. 

What is happening is that you can click the "Unstageable" image on the right on layer "Deep" at any time.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any assistance is appreciated.

  • You have Picture 4 in the Disabled state. The trigger for showing the Unstageable layer is set to run when the user clicks the Unstageable 1 group. 

    Yes, that group includes Picture 4. But Groups can't have states, so the overall group is still clickable. 

    The solution: have the triggers run when Picture 4 is clicked.