Forum Discussion
3 Replies
- SandeepGadamCommunity Member
Hello Andy, once the video has been inserted into the slide, select the video and click options,
Change the options as per the screenshot:
With the above options enabled, you can have the ability to play/pause the video by clicking on the video.
- AndyNock_QICommunity Member
Hi, Sandeep, thanks for your response. I actually wanted play/pause control as is a bit more intuitive for the users, also would still like them to view the video after and scrub around.
I managed to find a fix which I am still implementing, I added a box at 100% transparency over the scrub bar. Below is work in progress enabling me to still click at the end to test. I also added a layer with an error message to say scrub bar is not enabled yet until watched all way through. This can then be removed when media completes.
Hopefully this will work ok for me but anyone let me know if i'm missing something that will bite me later :)
- SandeepGadamCommunity Member
Hello Andy, yes you can fulfill your requirement by implementing this procedure.
Good luck!!