Forum Discussion
All objects on base layer not showing up on layers
Thank you so much David.
When I go into a slide layer and right click on a thumbnail to choose layouts - a custom design series of layouts displays. None of them seem to be applied (none of them highlighted). When I select blank from those custom design layouts ... the objects on base layer show up again. I've done this to a few layers on different types of slide interactions and it's the same for all of them.
Then I created a new slide, put a shape on it, and created a layer with a shape, and I can now see the base layer object. The layout for the layer has come from the Custom Design series of layouts and the blank was automatically selected. Before when I tried to do this - the base layer objects didn't show up (and I guess no layout from this series was being applied?).
I did try to customise my feedback master before the issue occurred. I did think it may have caused the issue. So I deleted my custom ones from Feedback Master. Now when I go into Feedback Master, there is one lot of layouts, and the base layer object is called Custom_design and they are the ones that show up when I look at layouts for layers from the thumbnail. But they look like the standard clean version.
Should I go to each slide and reapply a new layout to each layer? Is it okay that my Feedback master Clean version has been replaced with a custom design?
Thank you so so much - I think you've solved it....