Forum Discussion

ashrafhassan's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Always resume doesn't work properly

Hi all,

I'm using Storyline 360

When I publish my SCORM to LMS, the player feature "Always resume" doesn't work properly

 Player feature "Prompt to resume" doesn't work neither (the message "Would you like to resume?" simply doesn't appear).

I tried all sorts of different set up (SCORM created in SL1 and published in SL3; SCORM created and published in SL3; SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004; when revisiting slides, "Reset to initial state" option and "Resum saved state" option; ecc.), but I wasn't able to obtain what I wanted.

I used Storyline 1 since 2013 and I never had such a problem... 




  • what happens with resume, if you publish to web* (not to LMS) and start the course direct from your computer?

    * the methode to resume is comparable to LMS, but the resume data are stored on the local browser

    • RinaldoDeLucca's avatar
      Community Member

      I have published to WEB, took the course, closed it in every single module, and I was able to resume without any problems. The resume function is working fine if published to WEB.

      • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
        Community Member

        LMS 'suspend data' uses the same values like published to web (stored in browser localStorage)

        storyline needs much bigger supend data than other typical courses mad with other tools

        the limit in Scorm for the "suspend data" (-> resume)

        • 4096 byte (Scorm 1.2)
        • 4000 byte (Scorm 2004 2nd)
        • 64000 byte (Scorm 2004 3rd, 4th)

        every simple storyline slides needs 50 - 100 byte, more complex >250 byte (quiz slides)

        => 4096 / 250 => 15 .. 20 slides are possible

        => typical Scorm 1.2 has problems with large storyline courses


  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    We had a similar problem with a course recently. Our LMS is SuccessFactors (SAP) and I am thinking that there is some conflict created with updates to SF as well as SL360, because the issue didn't go away when we tried publishing to different SCORM versions, different sizes of the course, etc.


  • Hello Ashraf and Joe!

    I'm sorry for the trouble with your courses! We just resolved a bug in Storyline with courses set to Always Resume, and it's possible that what you see is related to it. Please update Storyline to the latest version (Update 84) and see if it helps.

    If the issue persists, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you!

  • I have a similar problem. I am using build v3.86.32080.0 and the resume function won't work if I close the course while taking either of the last two modules (there are 10 modules in the course). I am using Pass/Incomplete, SCORM 2004 4th Edition, and I already tried Prompt to Resume and Always Resume. I have checked the code many times looking for errors in the last two modules but everything is fine. The LMS company says that their data threshold is big enough to mange size of our course.
    I can't upload it to SCORM Cloud because it's a government project and we can't upload it to any place that's not the LMS we use.
    Any ideas?

  • the resume function won't work if I close*

    what happens in detail

    • does the "Would you like to resume?" appear
    • does the jump at resume go to the wrong page?
    • is the status of the course after the resume wrong?
    • does the problem happens on every resume?
    • does te problem happens for all user?

    * the values of the current page are transmitted to the LMS only if you leave this slide or open a layer

    • RinaldoDeLucca's avatar
      Community Member

      The "Would like to resume?" won't appear, as I have chosen Always Resume. Prompt to Resume also doesn't work. 
      The course goes back to slide 1 every single time I close the course while taking any of the last two modules. The course will resume properly if I close the course while taking any of the first 8 modules.
      The problem happens to every single person that takes the course, always if the course is closed while taking any of the last two modules.

      An additional piece of information: I broke the course into two parts, published both parts as two independent courses, and both parts can resume without errors. This makes me think that there are no errors in the last two modules that could be causing the resume error.

  • So in fact the course may be too big for Storyline to report it properly to the LMS. That would explain why the LMS was capable to resume the course when I broke it into two parts, and was able to resume while taking either parts.

    Thank you for your help!